Er, yes, a bit of a hiatus, then.
Well, I've still been busy, and here are a few things that I have completed (bar final cleaning on the bases)
Citadel Aslan from the Traveller range |
15mm SF
Rebasing on the Aslan, and new paint jobs on three very old laserburn figures.
Laserburn characters |
25mm Citadel Spacefarers.
Spacefarer stormtroopers |
Rebasing on all but the dodgy looking red masked dude, who got a new lick of paint. He's not the best detailed miniature.
Spacefarer characters |
The painting on the other stuff is from waaay back.
Assorted fantasy miniatures.
A tribal chap, with his pet Pygmy, a Citadel middle earth Half Orc, a Grenadier female wizard. The Gnoll is one of reaper's 'bones' series, bendable plastic. I think the fidelity of the lovely Tre Manor sculpt has reproduced well. A couple of old Citadel Tom Meier trolls. One has a weapon fix and the other was beyond repair so I'm afraid he turned to stone. The oriental dragon is an early Ral Partha miniature sans its wings, which were dodgy in the extreme. The Ogre Mage is from Black Hat, base by The two Jack-o-bears are from Citadel's Runequest monsters box.
A motley crew |
'Bones' Gnoll |
Gnoll, side view |
Gnoll, rear view |
Put it away! |
Stoned again. |
Oriental dragon |
Black Hat Ogre Mage |
With fancy pants |
Jack-o-bears |
Herder rear |
40k Orks.
Squig Herder |
I have a lot of 40k stuff (who doesn't?), but I've lost the love in recent years. These two green skins were 90% complete, and this blog has motivated me to complete a lot of semi-painted miniatures. So, we have a Squig-herder wearing odd colours for an ork, and a BigNob.
Big Nob rear |
Big Nob |
Some Tau, in a box, earlier |
Battle fleet Gothic Tau.
Another bunch of semi-complete ships got added to the throng. More on this fleet later - there will probably be more on most of these, actually.
fleeeeeeet |
Dystopian Wars.
There it is. Most of the Covenant fleet still in a semi-painted state, and these pieces are actually getting used. On my 'you really really should finish these' list.
See how I got on...
Firestorm Armada.
Will this small project ever end? |
The RSN fleet saw further completion of the destroyers. I'm so close to finishing the Dreadnought that I'll hold off on a final post about them until that's done.
There are a bunch of other things I have finished that aren't to hand, but I've left this far too long anyway, so I thought I'd better get something posted :).