
Tuesday 30 June 2015

Citadel 25mm C01 Fighters - Dark Ages warrior with axe and shield

This fighter has a Dark ages look about him, possibly Saxon - that will make him an ideal candidate for a character in my new DnD campaign.

Citadel 28mm ELF5 Wardancers - Edlagil

The ELF codes were another chance for Jes Goodwin to bring his formidable elfin design skills to bear, although this set of releases obviously owed much to the Harlequins that came before them

Citadel 28mm ELF5 Wardancers - Eidyn

Elf wardancers use all manner of odd weaponry, including this spiked fist. Gruesome.
He's a Jes Goodwin scupt and lived in the GW Hammersmith cabinet for a while.

Citadel 28mm ELF5 Wardancers - Etain

An Elf javelineer from the talented hands of Mr. Jes Goodwin. Mohawks are all the rage amongst the wardancers...

Saturday 27 June 2015

Ral Partha 25mm CS09 High elf striking with axe

I thought this an odd option for weaponry for an elf, given their affinity to trees and the implication that an axe has in that respect. It's a Tom Meier sculpt, from Ral Partha's 'Collector Series'. He's been rebased on a round slotta base at some point to use in DnD.

Ral Partha 25mm ES76 Elvin personalities - Elf bard

A lovely Tom Meier sculpt from the 'Personalities and things that go bump in the night' range.

You can vaguely see the oval of the original metal base

Ral Partha 25mm E211 Wood elf firing bow in cloak and knee boots

My first Legolas, he's one of the first sculpts by Tom Meier, whose style was not fully formed at the time. Pretty basic by today's standards, but he's seen action in DnD more times than I can remember. From 1978's Wizards, Warriors and Warlocks range.